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Property address (required) If Paying for a 6d Certificate, Choose One: N/A$100 - more than 2 weeks (10 business days) to closing$150 - Closing is less than 2 weeks/ 10 business days$200 - 3 business days or less to closing If Paying for a Questionnaire, Choose One: N/A$100 - Fannie Mae Form 1077 / Short Form$150 - Fannie Mae Form 1076 / Full Form$200 - Bank preferred$250 - Single Unit FHA approval questionnaire$500 - FHA Approval questionnaire for Whole Association Choose Your Payment type: —Please choose an option—Checking account - $3.95 processing feeSavings account - $3.95 processing feeDebit Card - 6.95%Credit Card -7.95% processing fee COMPLETE APPROPRIATE SECTION BELOW ----CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD---- Card Number Expiration Date —Please choose an option—01- January02- February03 - March04 - April05 - May06 - June07 - July08 - August09 - September10 - October11 - November12 - December Expiration Year CVV2 (security Number) First Name Last Name Billing Address Billing City Billing State Billing Zip Code ----CHECKING OR SAVINGS ACCOUNT---- Name on Account Bank Name: Routing number: Account number: I Authorize Bristol South, Inc to process this payment