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Closing Date
SELECT ONE: —Please choose an option—This is a SaleNo change in ownership
SELECT ONE: —Please choose an option—Free- 4 questions or less$100 - Fannie Mae Form 1077 / Short Form$150 - Fannie Mae Form 1076 / Full Form$200 - Bank preferred$250 - Single Unit FHA approval questionnaire$500 - FHA Approval questionnaire for Whole AssociationFree-borrower is current HOA Trustee
Name of Association (HOA not Bristol South) Full Property address and unit number Name(s) of borrower Buyer's email address(s) (Required to set up the account after closing) Buyer's phone number(s) (Required) Select One: —Please choose an option—Payment will be paid ElectronicallyPayment will be mailedPayment will be dropped off Please email preferred questionnaire to Questionnaires are usually completed within 1-3 business days after payment is received. Please allow up to 10 business days. The Budget will be sent with the completed questionnaire. For questions please contact Jen 508-823-2300 x 2103 or